Project Description

This RTC-sponsored multimodal improvement project will revitalize the 3.2-mile corridor by creating a safer corridor on Wells Avenue beginning at the Oddie Boulevard/Pyramid Way intersection in Sparks to the Wells Avenue/I-80 intersection in Reno. This project will increase safety and mobility options along this heavily traveled corridor. The project plans include new lighting, landscaping, ADA improvements, pedestrian ramps, bicycle facilities, and safer traffic operations to increase mobility and connectivity along this corridor.

Corridor improvements will support economic investment and redevelopment while enhancing the quality of life for area residents by improving accessibility and safety.

Construction Schedule

Construction will start on November 29, 2021, and it will be divided in four (4) sequential segments:

Phase 1: Pyramid Highway to Sullivan Lane – Construction starts here

Phase 2: Sullivan Lane to Silverada Boulevard – Construction to start in Fall 2022

Phase 3: Silverada Boulevard to Sutro Street – Construction to start in Summer 2023

Phase 4: Sutro Street to I-80 Off Ramps – Construction starts in Spring 2024

The project is anticipated to be complete by Fall 2024.

*Granite Construction may work on adjacent phases at the same time. Construction at major intersections is anticipated and detours will be provided in advance.

RTC en Español



The project is currently in preliminary design with final design anticipated in early 2020. After final design is complete, the project will progress to the construction phase. The earliest construction is anticipated to begin is summer 2020. The RTC will host community meetings prior to final design to listen to the community’s ideas, concerns and input. Meeting details will be noted on this website and notifications will be distributed in the stakeholder update.

Project Funding

The total project investment, including construction, design, permitting and construction management, is approximately $51 million. The project is funded with local fuel tax revenue.


Project Funding

The estimated total project investment includes construction, design, permitting, and construction management is approximately $30 million, primarily funded with local fuel tax dollars.
